Transforms Lives

I want to see YOU walk in your purpose. How can you do that if you don’t know who you are or how to navigate your life towards that purpose.


Personal life coaching focuses on personal development and self-improvement. It aims to help individuals identify their goals and values, overcome personal obstacles, and improve their overall well-being. I work with clients on areas such as relationships, health and fitness, spirituality, and personal growth.


Professional life coaching focuses on career and professional development. It aims to help individuals achieve their career goals, improve their performance, and develop their skills and leadership abilities. I work with clients on areas such as career transitions, work-life balance, time management, and communication skills.

Speaking Engagements

As a speaker, Sonya can add value by sharing her expertise, providing practical advice, and offering unique perspectives on personal and professional development. She can also inspire and motivate their audience, address challenges and obstacles, and provide support and accountability to help individuals achieve their goals


Enjoy Your Life

Enjoy your life to the fullest with personalized guidance and support. Overcome obstacles, achieve your goals, and align your actions with your values and priorities to experience more joy and fulfillment. Whether you're struggling with work-life balance, stress management, or feeling stuck, I can help you create a plan to achieve your desired life.


Your Potential

Unlock your full potential and achieve success with the help of a life coach. Whether you're looking to advance your career, start your own business, or complete your personal goals, I can provide the guidance, support, and accountability you need to succeed.


Find Balance

Are you feeling stressed and overwhelmed? As a life coach, I can help you manage stress and improve your well-being. You'll learn effective strategies for reducing stress and achieving more excellent balance in your life through personalized coaching and support. Whether you're dealing with work-related stress, personal challenges, or simply feeling burnt out, I can help you regain focus and find greater peace of mind.


Accept Change

Change can be difficult, but with the help of a life coach, you can embrace change and achieve personal growth. I can provide the guidance and support you need to navigate life's transitions, overcome resistance to change, and create a plan to achieve your goals. Whether you're dealing with a significant life change or looking to make positive changes, I can help you build the skills and mindset necessary for lasting change and a more fulfilling life!

(734) 991-3995

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